Texas A & M University, College Station
Résumé (updated Nov. 2023)
suryanshkumar (at) tamu [dot] edu

I am an assistant professor in visual computing and a researcher primarily focused in the field of 3D computer vision, Visual AI and Automation. Presently, I work in the Visual Computing and Computational Media Section at Texas A & M University, College Station Texas. As a researcher, I am fascinated by how mathematical construction can precisely represent the perceptual concepts of images, such as 3D scene geometry, motions, lights, material, and color. I aim to use these mathematical concepts to enable machines for a broader adoption using visual data.

Research Interests

Computer Vision, Visual AI, Spatial AI and Robotics. From time to time, I also investigate topics such as graph theory, topological manifolds, compressed sensing, and mathematical optimization.

Recent News

[07-2024]   Merit Award from the Dean of PVFA school at TAMU.
[06-2024]   Second place winner for the SpaceTime Design Competition at SIGGRAPH 2024.
[05-2024]   One research paper accepted for publication at ICML 2024.
[04-2024]   Data Science Course Development Awardee TAMU 2024.
[02-2024]   One research paper accepted for publication at ICRA 2024.
[02-2024]   One research article accepted for publication at IJCV 2024.
[04-2023]   One research paper accepted for publication at RSS 2023.
[02-2023]   Three research papers accepted for publication at CVPR 2023.

Recent Awards and Achievements

  • Merit Award from the Dean of PVFA school at TAMU.
  • Second-place winner for the SpaceTime student design competition SIGGRAPH 2024.
  • Texas A&M Institute of Data Science (TAMIDS) Course Development Awardee for 2024.
  • Successfully concluded Google Focused Research Project in Nov'22. Co-authored with Prof. Luc Van Gool and Prof. Vittorio Ferrari.
  • Nominated for J. G. Crawford Prize at ANU for Best Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Thesis 2019.
  • Australian National University Vice-Chancellor Grant Award.
  • Best Algorithm Award in CVPR NRSFM Challenge 2017 by Disney Research.
  • ANU-HDR Merit Scholarship Student Award, funded in part by The Australian Research Council.

Current Students (Masters and Doctorate)

  • Yanwen Chen (M.S) Texas A & M, (Feb. 24-).
    [Topic]: Human-Robot Interaction.

External Students or Informal Collaboration

  • New details will be updated soon...

Selected Recent Publications

Stereo Risk: A Continuous Modeling Approach to Stereo Matching
Authors : Ce Liu*, Suryansh Kumar*, Shuhang Gu, Radu Timofte, Yao Yao, Luc Van Gool. (Oral Presentation, Top 1.5% of the papers)
*Equal Contribution
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), PMLR, 2024, Vienna, Austria

   Project Website       Topic: Stereo Matching, 3D Acquisition, Computer Vision.
ICGNet: A Unified Approach for Instance-Centric Grasping
Authors : René Zurbrügg, Yifan Liu, Francis Engelmann, Suryansh Kumar, Marco Hutter and others.
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, 2024, Yokohama, Japan

   Project Website       Topic: Grasping, 3D Acquisition, Robotics.
Learning Robust Multi-Scale Representation for Neural Radiance Fields from Unposed Images
Authors : Nishant Jain, Suryansh Kumar*, Luc Van Gool. (Invited)
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Springer, 2024, IF: 19.5

   Project Website       Topic: View Synthesis, NeRF, Image-based Rendering.
Single Image Depth Prediction Made Better: A Multivariate Gaussian Take
Authors: Ce Liu, Suryansh Kumar, Shuhang Gu, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, 2023, Vancouver, Canada.

  Project Website     Topic: 3D Computer Vision, Deep Learning.
Enhanced Stable View-Synthesis
Authors: Nishant Jain*, Suryansh Kumar*, Luc Van Gool.
*Equal Contribution
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, 2023, Vancouver, Canada.

  Project Website     Topic: 3D Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Neural Rendering.
Quantum Annealing for Single Image Super-Resolution
Authors: Han Yao Choong, Suryansh Kumar, Luc Van Gool. (Oral Presentation)
8th New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement Workshop and Challenges (NTIRE).
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, 2023, Vancouver, Canada.

  Project Website     Topic: Quantum Computing, Image Enhancement.
How To Not Train Your Dragon: Training-free Embodied Object Goal Navigation with Semantic Frontiers
Authors: Junting Chen*, Guohao Li*, Suryansh Kumar, and others (*Equal Contribution)
Robotics Science and Systems (RSS), RSS Foundation, 2023, Daegu, South Korea.

  Project Website     Topic: Embodied-AI, Active SLAM, Navigation, Vision and Language.
VA-DepthNet: A Variational Approach to Single Image Depth Prediction
Authors: Ce Liu, Suryansh Kumar, Shuhang Gu, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool. (Spotlight Oral Presentation)
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023, Kigali, Rwanda.

  Project Website     Topic: 3D Computer Vision, Deep Learning.
Uncertainty Guided Policy for Active Robotic 3D Reconstruction using Neural Radiance Fields
Authors: Soomin Lee*, Le Chen*, Jiahao Wang, Alex Liniger, Suryansh Kumar, and others (*Equal Contribution)
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), IEEE, 2023, London, UK. (Oral Presentation)

  Project Website     Topic: 3D Computer Vision, Robotics, Information Theory.
Organic Priors in Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
Authors: Suryansh Kumar, Luc Van Gool. (Oral Presentation, Top 2.7% of the papers)
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

   Project Website       Topic: 3D Computer Vision, Algebra, Geometry, Compressed Sensing.